Lowe Dreesen Miller - Community First
Thank you David Lowe for your participation in the Rotary Choices Program

This is an extra special thank you for being a presenter of the CHOICES Program in 2022. It is easily one of the most rewarding projects the LPC Alumni Foundation has taken on and it solely depends on people such as yourself seeing the value in working with and encouraging our youth. Being a CHOICES presenter you make a commitment to not only the students but in partnership with the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber & Rotary Club of Pulaski County and for that we are grateful. Once again thank you.
Lowe Dreesen Miller were premier sponsors of the 40th Anniversary Education Conference for the Mid-America Association of Christian Schools.
The law firm of Lowe Dreesen Miller were premier sponsors of the 40th Anniversary Education Conference for the Mid-America Association of Christian Schools. David Lowe and Matt Dreesen of Lowe Dreesen Miller attended the conference which was held in Kansas City, Missouri on November 3 and 4, 2022. The Mid-America Association of Christian Schools includes approximately 150 Christian schools and churches in Midwest America stretching from Texas to Minnesota. David and Matt presented workshops on important legal subjects during the conference for the teachers, administrators, and pastors. They were available throughout the conference to personally meet with these educators and share their legal expertise on legal issues which may affect their jobs and ministries. These topics include, but were not limited to: mandatory reporting requirements for child abuse; child safety policies and procedures; protecting ministry assets; wills, trusts and estate planning; and how can I ensure that I am protected if I am involved in accident.
David Lowe and Matt Miller recently presented the CHOICES Program to 8th graders at Maranatha Baptist Academy
David and Matt Miller recently presented the CHOICES Program to 8th graders at Maranatha Baptist Academy, which teaches students the importance of making the right choices regarding their education and how it affects their future. They enjoyed teaching the students the importance of obtaining a good education and David has volunteered his time to present for the CHOICES Program to area 8th graders for the past 15 years. Pictured with David are 8th graders Deidre O'Conner and Arleigh Pendell.
Chamber of Commerce Luncheon
David, Matt Miller and Matt Dreesen enjoyed recently sponsoring the Chamber of Commerce luncheon and speaking to a large audience about the law and how it affects all of us. They appreciated the opportunity to share their thoughts with such a friendly group of community leaders. Click here to see even more pictures of this wonderful event.
David was honored to sponsor Brendan Sewell who is a fine young cowboy. Brendan has a promising future and rides steers in the Missouri Family Rodeo Association.
David Lowe Presents the CHOICES Program at
Local St. Robert School

The CHOICES program was presented at Maranatha Baptist Academy on November 2 and 3, 2020. The program was presented to seventh and eighth graders over the course of two hours. The main goal of the CHOICES program is connecting with the students and showing them there are many things to consider when planning their futures.
Activities are based around the principle of self-discipline; what it means and how to apply it to your life. The first hour’s activities enforce the message to stay in school. Students are challenged to make the commitment to stay in school and graduate from high school. The second hour’s activities incorporates skills for success including time management and setting goals.
The CHOICES Program is a highly participatory classroom seminar, presented by local volunteers from the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce. The Maranatha Baptist Academy presentation was sponsored by David M. Lowe, Attorney at Law and in partnership with the Rotary Club of Pulaski County.
The CHOICES program uses interactive exercises to help students learn the impact of their choices and how to take control of their lives through wise decision-making in different areas of life such as time and money management as well as education.
To learn more about the program visit www.CHOICES.org.
Activities are based around the principle of self-discipline; what it means and how to apply it to your life. The first hour’s activities enforce the message to stay in school. Students are challenged to make the commitment to stay in school and graduate from high school. The second hour’s activities incorporates skills for success including time management and setting goals.
The CHOICES Program is a highly participatory classroom seminar, presented by local volunteers from the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce. The Maranatha Baptist Academy presentation was sponsored by David M. Lowe, Attorney at Law and in partnership with the Rotary Club of Pulaski County.
The CHOICES program uses interactive exercises to help students learn the impact of their choices and how to take control of their lives through wise decision-making in different areas of life such as time and money management as well as education.
To learn more about the program visit www.CHOICES.org.
David Lowe Acknowledged for Long-Term
Participation in the Local CHOICES Program
The Law Office of David M. Lowe has been a member of the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce since 1997. Through the Chamber of Commerce, David has volunteered to present the CHOICES Program to 8th grade students in Pulaski County every year since 2008. This outstanding program teaches students about the importance of obtaining an education and how it will affect the rest of their lives. David served as the Chamber President from 2002 to 2004 and on the Board of Directors from 2000 to 2005. David also served as a Chamber Ambassador from 2007 to 2016 and was the Ambassador Emeritus of the Year in 2010.
David Lowe Awards SGT Seth Fricke at
Committee of 50 Luncheon
On February 7th, David chaired the Committee of 50 luncheon where SGT Seth Fricke was honored as the Fort Leonard Wood 2019 Non-Proponent NCO Instructor of the Year. David congratulated SGT Fricke on his accomplishments in winning this prestigious award and for his contributions to our country. It is always an honor and privilege for David to be a part of a special ceremonies for outstanding servicemembers such as SGT Seth Fricke.
David Receives Paul Harris Fellow Award
David received his 3rd Paul Harris Fellow Award on June 25, 2019, for his outstanding contributions to the Rotary Club of Pulaski County. The Paul Harris Fellow Award is the highest award that a Rotarian can receive through a local Rotary Club. The award is named after Paul P. Harris (1868-1947), a lawyer, was the founder of Rotary, the world’s first and most international service club. Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, promote high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build good will and peace in the world.
David Lowe Participates in the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the New County Jail and Sheriff's Department
On March 22, 2019, David was honored to be a part of the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Pulaski County Jail and Sheriff’s Department at the site of the old Waynesville Middle School. After working hard for 2.5 years on the Justice Task Force Committee which was instrumental in developing the plans for this long awaited and much needed facility, David was excited to see the project get underway.
The Law Office of Lowe Dreesen Miller has been a member of the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce since 1997. Through the Chamber of Commerce, David has volunteered to present the CHOICES Program to 8th grade students in Pulaski County every year from 2008 to 2018. This outstanding program teaches students about the importance of obtaining an education and how it will affect the rest of their lives. David served as the Chamber President from 2002 to 2004 and on the Board of Directors from 2000 to 2005. David also served as a Chamber Ambassador from 2007 to 2016 and was the Ambassador Emeritus of the Year in 2010.
David and his wife, Victoria, ring the bell for the Salvation Army during its annual fundraising campaign. David has been a board member and bell-ringer for the Pulaski County Salvation Army Unit since 2005.
Congratulations to Bill Hardwick for his induction into the Pulaski County Rotary Club. His membership was sponsored by David Lowe.
DAVID THE KEYNOTE SPEAKER AT THE PULASKI COUNTY LEADERSHIP CLASS 7 GRADUATIONDavid was honored to be the keynote speaker at the Leadership Pulaski County Class 7 Graduation on February 21, 2019. David shared his thoughts and experiences about leadership to the graduates and congratulated them on their graduation and accomplishments.
The Rotary Club of Pulaski County Honored David Lowe – the immediate past president – with the Paul Harris Fellow award during its eighth annual Paul Harris Fellow Banquet on January 28, 2014. A member of the club since November 2005, Lowe has served as second vice president, vice president and as president. Lowe annually serves as a presenter for the Choices program for eighth graders and participates in the Veterans Day Parade and Christmas on the Square. He also has worked with the Science Fair project and taken high school students to Government Day in Jefferson City. Lowe also was the enthusiastic leader of the original Rotary Red Hot Red Hatters, a troupe that helped raise funds for the ASYMCA. He currently serves on the Club Service Committee and headed up the legal team for the club’s Gator raffle.
Members of the Interact Club at Waynesville Middle School served as the keynote speakers during the Feb. 12 Pulaski County Rotary Club meeting. The students showcased their work to help others and make a positive difference in the world. Their activities this academic year have included raising funds for Snack in a Pack, participating in the Homecoming parade and Christmas on the Square, raising funds for UNICEF and filling the Snack in a Pack bags for more than 200 students each week. They also highlighted their upcoming Race for the Ribbons annual walk/run in April.
The Waynesville Middle School Interact Club members, sponsored by the Pulaski County Rotary Club, are pictured with Club President David Lowe, and teachers Stephanie Peace, Jena Hale and Kelly Howley. |
The CHOICES program was presented at Maranatha Baptist Academy on behalf of our area Chamber of Commerce. The program was presented to eighth graders over the course of two hours. The main goal of the CHOICES program is connecting with the students and showing them there are many things to consider when planning their futures. Activities are based around the principle of self-discipline; what it means and how to apply it to your life. The CHOICES program uses interactive exercises to help students learn the impact of their choices and how to take control of their lives through wise decision-making in different areas of life such as time and money management as well as education. David has enjoyed teaching the students the importance of obtaining a good education and has volunteered his time to present for the CHOICES Program to area 8th graders for the past 14 years. Pictured with David are 8th graders Cameron, Koshina, and fellow instructor, Lauren Spicer.
Celebrating Kelsey being named the WMDS Student of the Month for April.
David Lowe, president of the Rotary Club of Pulaski County; Peggy and Kelsey Arnold; and John Fluhrer, principal of Waynesville Middle School
David Lowe, president of the Rotary Club of Pulaski County; Peggy and Kelsey Arnold; and John Fluhrer, principal of Waynesville Middle School
David presents the “Key to Success” to 8th graders at Crocker Middle School after presenting the CHOICES Program. David has been actively involved with the Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce since 2000 and, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, he has been teaching the CHOICES Program to middle school students in Pulaski County since 2009. The CHOICES Program teaches 8th graders throughout Pulaski County the importance of education and making responsible choices when planning for their future.
State of Missouri for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and her mother, Tara, for her hard work and representing the MDA. As the Missouri State Goodwill Ambassador, Crabtree makes public appearances throughout Missouri. She is the daughter of Steve and Tara Crabtree of Pulaski County.
David Lowe, president of the Rotary Club of Pulaski County; Emily Crabtree, the Goodwill Ambassador for the State of Missouri for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) and her mother, Tara |
Rotary Club President David Lowe presents a Rotary mug to Dr. Curt Elmore and thanks him and Matt Simon for speaking to the club about their research through Missouri University of Science and Technology to promote safe drinking water in Brazil. Rotary International hosts international youth and friendship exchanges, supports international water projects and works to wipe out polio.
David Lowe, president of the Rotary Club of Pulaski County; Dr. Curt Elmore and Matt Simon |
Students in Waynesville Middle School’s government class learn first-hand about the judicial system from David who has served as a prosecutor, defense attorney and a municipal court judge. David enjoys teaching these interactive classes as the students have many questions about the law and express an interest in pursuing a career in the legal profession.